Sunday, October 28, 2012

Parachute, All American Rejects, and Boys Like Girls Concert

This past Tuesday the 23rd started off as a crazy day! I woke up with a sore throat and got a text from the teacher of my class I work in saying she was sick and wasn't coming in today so I was running the class. It turned out to be a pretty good day with the kids except the talking all day hurt my throat pretty bad. That night I headed out to Zupas to eat with the girlies I was going to the Parachute, All American Rejects, and Boys like Girls concert with. It was my bestie Mckenzie, my little sis Chels (who isn't so little anymore, holy cow she's a senior in high school!) and four of her best friends. Let me just say the turkey avocado panini  and the mushroom soup are both to die for at Zupas!

We headed to the concert and missed the Orem band Chasing Chance which Mckenzie was very disappointed about, she had been looking forward to seeing them more than the other bands I think. We got there pretty early and were able to get a descent distance from the stage. Parachute started the show and they were the band that we all were most excited to see. They didn't let us down at all! My favorite part of parachute though was when Chelsea my sister held up a heart and when Will the lead singer pointed at her because of it she had a bit of a freak out haha. She called it having a moment with him. After Parachute was done they said they would be up above the concert area to meet people. We went there to see them and when we were walking to get in line guess who walked right past us to get to the front of the line, the whole Parachute band. Chelsea had just told Mckenzie that we needed to act cool and when she saw them walk by it was like she didn't know what cool or even normal meant :). We got to meet the saxophone player and Will the lead singer. We got a picture with him which further made Chelsea's night.

My husband isn't very fond of this picture:) 

After Parachute it was the All American Rejects. We didn't have as close of spots since we left to go meet Parachute but it turned out to be more fun because we had more room to dance around instead of being plastered next to the people all around us. All American Rejects was a huge let down. Not that their music wasn't good but the swearing and extremely crude jokes just ruined it for all of the people I was with. I'm pretty sure he was trying to make a statement that said, hey I'm in Utah but I will still say whatever I want and I don't care about anyone one but myself. When you come to Utah you should try to be considerate of your fans and change your language! We don't want to hear the f word over and over again. We went to get a drink when we were fed up with his talking and saw the many other people sitting around waiting for the All American Rejects to be done. We ended up lyrical dancing away in the gym above the seats and it ended up being one of my favorite parts of the night. The best song they put on was Swing Swing which everyone knew and sang and danced along to.

After All American Rejects I was trying to decide if I was ready to leave. My throat was killing me and the rest of my cold was starting to hit me. I didn't think I knew many of their songs but my sis convinced me to stay and I'm really glad I did. They were the most fun to watch perform out of any of the bands. Parachute I loved the music the most but Boys like Girls had awesome stage presence and put on a fantastic show. I ended up knowing enough of their songs to sing along and have fun with it. After they pulled a girl on stage to sing Two is Better than One with them in place of Taylor Swift I couldn't stay any longer. My legs were so tired and I was feeling very sick. So Kenz was nice enough to come with me and I dropped her off and headed home. After the adrenaline of the concert wore off while I was driving my head started pounding and I knew I was not going to feel well at all the next day. Sore throats aren't so fun to have at concerts because singing along to songs is one of the best parts and I just couldn't do it for many of the songs but other than that it was a blast and I loved dancing away with my sissy and the fun group I was with.

Monday, October 22, 2012

Super Saturday Craft

On Oct. 20th our ward had their super Saturday full of lots of fun cooking classes, book reviews and best of all...Crafts! I only signed up for one craft and I'm glad I did because it took longer than expected due to all the sanding.

I first started off the day by waking up and getting ready way earlier than usual on a Saturday and went to the store to make a big crockpot of soup to the event. I didn't realize how long the darn soup would take, it took me double the time than I had planned for it! Then of course on the way over to the church it spilled out on every turn because I made so much. I wasn't too happy starting off the day. Once I got to making my craft though it helped calm me down!

Here are my family blocks I made. They had chosen great crafts to do and I loved this one. It matches my blue and black table pretty well.

This was my favorite block
Oh and it was my first Modge Podge project that didn't bubble on me. I finally know how to work with it so I'm excited about that. 

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Fall Break Trip

For fall break my husband and I headed to St. George with his family. Thursday night we had planned on going to Tuacchan to watch Aladin but unfortunately the few rainy days that happen in St. George decided to happen while we were there. We arrived a half hour early to the show and they had us stand around for a half hour after the show was supposed to start while they decided if they were going to cancel the show. At one point the rain was lightly sprinkling and they began cleaning the seats off but then it decided to pour again. We get our money back for the tickets but I'm pretty disappointed that we didn't get to see the show, I'm sure it was amazing! They always do well with their disney renditions.

Excited to be in St. George!
Bundled up to watch a show in the rain

Unfortunately all we got to see of Aladdin was the board we put our heads through and the posters they had of the cast.

The next day in St. George was also rainy so we mostly hung around the condo, played games, got in the hot tub, and went out to eat at Benja's a delicious Thai and Sushi restaurant.

Saturday was finally a nice sunny day! We enjoyed the weather by biking the day away. We went on two bikerides, one out on church road in Hurricane, and another on the Bear Claw right behind our condo. So much fun! My legs were pretty tired after the two rides.

Looking good in our hot helmets
 We loved our time in St. George! It feels like home being there. I only lived there for two years but it felt so great being back there. We just might end up living there some day as long as more family moves with us!

Gala Crochet Items

I'm pretty bummed out, I completely forgot to take pictures of everything I made for my school's upcoming Gala. I did take pictures of some things before I had finished them and a picture of my work table that I'll post. There aren't pictures of the two baby girl hats or the two baby boy hats I made....but I'm sure I'll make lots of them in the future.

Gotta have my Dr. Pepper while working

They looked much cuter when they were finished but that's the only picture I have! I made 8 baby headbands, 4 adult headbands, 2 baby boy hats, and 2 baby girl hats. It kept me a little busy! I plan to open up an etsy shop one day but I need to start making my own patterns for that. Anyone have any tips to go about creating an etsy shop?? I'd love some pointers!

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Chunky Scarfs

Here are pictures of the scarf I gave my mom for her birthday, and also the one I made for myself. I followed the tutorial from this blog. I did however switch it up for the one that I made for myself.

The one for my mom. Followed the pattern just right

This one the edged are scalloped instead of ending on the straight rows. I like it better this way but that's just me

Not a cute picture of me at all but I wanted to show the little bit different of look this one has. I made it thinner and a little shorter also.

Paintings I never Posted

I've worked on quite a bit of different paintings but not many of them have gotten finished. I'll be doing a lot of them on the Ipad and then from my favorites of those I'll actually paint them. Here are a couple that I've done recently. Comments, critiques, all welcome! Excpet don't be too mean....I am learning here:)

This one hasn't been glazed so it will look better after that.

Wow I'm realizing I need a much better camera to get better pictures of my paintings to post...hopefully for Christmas! (hint hint Casey;))

Great Week and Ipads

I haven't posted in a while so I will give a quick update on what has been going on then I will show some paintings on my ipad I've been doing.

Our little ferret Ringo has been sold. My earlier post about our ferret being so great is still ture...but when you don't have your own place and your ferret decides he likes to tear apart carpet to sharpen his nails, he has to go. I would love to get another ferret some day when we have our own place and a tile or wooden floor room to put it in. It's been sad and I keep thinking that it's time to get Ringo out of his cage, then I remember he isn't here. Hope he is enjoying his new home!

Conference weekend was pretty great because I got to get a ton of crafts done. I crocheted like crazy while watching over the weekend. I made a chunky scarf for my mom and then loved it so much I made one for myself. Then I made baby and adult headbands for my school's upcoming Gala. It is our biggest fundraiser of the year and since I hate asking people for free things I decided to just make a bunch of things myself. Over conference weekend and up until today I have made 8 baby headbands, four adult headbands, and two baby boy earflap hats. My husband hasn't gotten much of my attention lately ha. Pictures of all the things I've crocheted to come.

On Monday It was my wonderful Momma's birthday. She is 49 years old, not that she would like me to announce it, but for 49 she looks GOOD! I can't even believe she is almost 50 because she really does look so young. The only way to tell how old she is is by looking at how old her kids are and the fact that she has two grandbabies. I love my mom so much and hope I look like her when I'm her age. We all ate out at La Jolla Groves at the Riverwoods mall in Provo which is a little bit on the fancy side but we had our whole family and babies that were eating snacks brought by their moms and silverwear being thrown, and my brother in law Marc spilled water all over the table and down onto my lap. From my backside it looked like I had peed my pants. So we probably stuck out a little bit sicne we weren't as fancy as the other people dressed in suits. Afterwards we went to my sisters and had a delicious pumpkin better than anything cake that Courtney found on pinterest. It was great!

This week I have won $100 worth of fabric from Skye Reve Fabrics that I am very excited about and can't wait for my shipment to come so I can get sewing. Also it is our fall break at the school I work at so we are heading to St. George. See what a good week it is?

Ok long post so far, but I do want to share some paintings from the ipad. We bought one recently for a really good price on KSL and I have loved it! And no not for games or anything like that, for an awesome painting program where I can make paintings without spending money on paints! I can figure out how to paint it and it will make it go so much faster when I go to paint it with actual paints. Here's a couple!

And apparently I need to find a better way of uploading the paintings because that quality is really bad! Hmm...I'll work on that one. Thanks for reading!