Saturday, May 19, 2012


Every Saturday morning I start thinking about art as soon as I wake up and it keeps me from sleeping in. So while my husband sleeps and sleeps I am looking at art on my computer. I am LOOKING at art instead of CREATING it.

Painting is a bigger intimidation than I thought it was going to be for me. I thought I was just going to be good at it the first time I picked it up again. When I was younger me and my best friend Mckenzie took art classes together. I thought I could paint anything and I tried any kind of medium I felt like. I even made some small sculptures. Paint mixing wasn't a scary thing to me, I mixed and made whatever color I saw, and if it wasn't exactly right, it was ok for me. Now I am intimidated by my pallet of colors. My dad has told me that when painting, a tree is not brown, grass is not green, and the sky is not blue. Which I see what he is telling me, objects reflect light they aren't that actual color, but then what color do I use!!

I'm also trying to decide what kind of artist I want to be. I've wanted to paint dancers but was discouraged with my first couple of attempts at them. I can draw dancers, painting is a completely different story though. I can't quite get the right shades of planes to make them look real. One day I hope to be great at painting people but I know it will take a LOT of practice.

I know that to get better and discover who I am going to be as an artist I need to get painting but I guess I'm just too intimidated. I need to find a good class just to give me the push and drive I need. Number of uncompleted paintings right now-5. Hopefully they will be finished soon and I will be able to post them on my blog. So proud of my dad for his drive in starting out his painting career and becoming the great artist he is today.


  1. If you put in the time, you can do anything you want. They say that you aren't an expert at something until you've spent 10,000 hours doing it. Don't be intimidated... just do it. Don't be afraid to fail, because you will. Success comes when you do it again, and again, and again. Sometimes it sucks to think about, but you have to stop thinking about it and do.

    1. Thanks Jordan you're the best! Now I just have to find time for those 10,000 hours....
