This week has been a fun-filled Jazz week. On Saturday we went to the game against the Magic with my brother and sister-in-law. We didn't get the tickets until a couple days before so we were as far back as you could possibly get. The first quarter made it look like it wasn't going to be a very fun game because the Jazz fell behind quite a bit but of course it turned out to be great! My brother said he hasn't ever been to a game that the Jazz have lost and they have kept up his streak and mine (I've only been to two so it's not a hard streak to keep up with.) The last two minutes were such a blast with everyone standing up and cheering. Then on the way out of where we parked a car a guy ran up to our window to high five my brother and yell how awesome the game was and how awesome my brother was for giving him a high five back.
This Tuesday my sister and brother-in-law invited us over to watch the game over at their house. We don't have T.V. and Casey usually has to watch them on his computer so he was pretty excited to watch it on a T.V. screen. Courtney I don't think even made it five minutes through the first quarter before she was asleep on the couch. I at least made it to half time, then I was out on the bean bag. I was in and out and heard that they were winning every once in a while. I think the guys had fun though! The only problem with hanging out in Orem late at night is the loooong drive home to Salem. Guess we will need to move closer to family and friends soon!
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