We headed to the concert and missed the Orem band Chasing Chance which Mckenzie was very disappointed about, she had been looking forward to seeing them more than the other bands I think. We got there pretty early and were able to get a descent distance from the stage. Parachute started the show and they were the band that we all were most excited to see. They didn't let us down at all! My favorite part of parachute though was when Chelsea my sister held up a heart and when Will the lead singer pointed at her because of it she had a bit of a freak out haha. She called it having a moment with him. After Parachute was done they said they would be up above the concert area to meet people. We went there to see them and when we were walking to get in line guess who walked right past us to get to the front of the line, the whole Parachute band. Chelsea had just told Mckenzie that we needed to act cool and when she saw them walk by it was like she didn't know what cool or even normal meant :). We got to meet the saxophone player and Will the lead singer. We got a picture with him which further made Chelsea's night.
My husband isn't very fond of this picture:) |
After All American Rejects I was trying to decide if I was ready to leave. My throat was killing me and the rest of my cold was starting to hit me. I didn't think I knew many of their songs but my sis convinced me to stay and I'm really glad I did. They were the most fun to watch perform out of any of the bands. Parachute I loved the music the most but Boys like Girls had awesome stage presence and put on a fantastic show. I ended up knowing enough of their songs to sing along and have fun with it. After they pulled a girl on stage to sing Two is Better than One with them in place of Taylor Swift I couldn't stay any longer. My legs were so tired and I was feeling very sick. So Kenz was nice enough to come with me and I dropped her off and headed home. After the adrenaline of the concert wore off while I was driving my head started pounding and I knew I was not going to feel well at all the next day. Sore throats aren't so fun to have at concerts because singing along to songs is one of the best parts and I just couldn't do it for many of the songs but other than that it was a blast and I loved dancing away with my sissy and the fun group I was with.